
Obstetrics & Gynecology

Department of Obstetrics & Gynecology :

Department of Obst./Gynecology, Nash Technology Hospital since its inception has steadily expanded its "footprint" from the Primary model of MCH care to a more technologically compliant "Total well-woman concept" of Health-care delivery, concentrating not just in its traditional role of "maternity services" but foraying in the field of "High Risk Inter-ventional Obstetric and Gyne. care."

Mission : Our primary mission is to deliver a "holistic form" of "total quality care" which is progressive and transparent in all avenues of "Woman's Health" through adoption of ethical, safe and evidence based practices, thereby enhancing a pleasurable experience for the mother, child & family.

Services :

  1. We specialize in “Normal Deliveries” but do not hesitate for “operative interventions like Caesarian sections to save the mother and baby.  All “High risk pregnancies” with complicated medical problems are screened through an elaborate pre-natal, natal & post-natal care. Low-risk pregnancies are also handled with the same care as ‘complications’ can occur anytime during the process of pregnancy & delivery.
  2. “Infertility services (excluding ART) includes primary prevention though counseling, management and diagnosis by monitoring of potential endocrinological & other hidden healthcare problems like “Recurrent abortions, Bad obstetric history like Stillbirth, intra-uterine death etc. and various surgical complication in both partners.  All these are managed by advanced endoscopic technologies like colposcopy/hysteroscopy and laparoscopy which form part and parcel of our service delivery.
  3. Other Gynecological services like Hysterectomies for gyne. problems, laprotomies etc.  for various cancer management surveillance, menopause & andropause, Thalessemia and Breast cancer surveillance, Thyroid surveillance and treatment, obesity management along with adoption of “safe health-care and baby friendly practices” form part of our Health care delivery.
  4. In addition we practice a “holistic form of health care” treating the mother, child and family on the whole with a special emphasis on “public health strategies” like “ care of the adolescent & pre-pubescent girl child, prenatal evaluation and diagnosis of anaemia, cancer cervix – prevention, prophylaxis and immunization, prevention of hypothyroidism, amongst many others.

Team : We have a team of 5 Full Time Senior Consultants who are highly skilled, experienced and devoted to our hospital services headed by Dr. Shanti Jeyaseelan (Co-ordinator), Dr. Ratna Rao (Deputy), Dr. Neeta Misra, Dr. Raka Guleria and Dr. Rashmi M. Khilnani. All are heading their independent units alongwith the support of DNB, Junior and Senior residents. In addition the hospital has empanelled a team of "Visiting Consultants" namely Dr. M. Rohatgi, Dr. Y. Pande, Dr. Kamra and Dr. Neena Singh (Lap. Surgery).

Future Vision :

To be counted as a "National Surveillance Centre" for National Public Health Care Programmes for MCH care.

To form a "genetic surveillance centre" well-equippd for genetic counselling, diagnosis and management of all birth related abnormalities.

To adopt various fetal invasive monitoring techniques to ensure the survival of the "High Risk baby."

To expand our out-reach services for MCH care through use of modern methods like "tele-medicine", dial-a-specialist etc.
